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Who we are

Swiss­FEX AG (Swiss Fun­ding Exch­an­ge) is the ope­ra­tor of a B2B mor­tga­ge bro­kera­ge plat­form. Our cli­ents are inde­pen­dent inter­me­dia­ries and finan­cing part­ners who work tog­e­ther through our SFX plat­form.
Our plat­form digi­ti­zes and sim­pli­fies the enti­re mor­tga­ge bro­kera­ge pro­cess and crea­tes trans­pa­ren­cy. The SFX plat­form and our Com­pe­tence Cen­ter sup­port advi­sors throug­hout the enti­re finan­cing pro­cess.

Business model

Generate added value for all stakeholders

With the help of the SFX plat­form, inter­me­dia­ries find the opti­mal mor­tga­ge finan­cing for their cus­to­mers easi­ly and quick­ly.

Finan­cing part­ners bene­fit from digi­tal­ly sup­port­ed, effi­ci­ent pro­ces­ses and gain direct access to num­e­rous inter­me­dia­ry part­ners throug­hout Switz­er­land.

SwissFEX Team

It is in our DNA to dri­ve pio­nee­ring tech­no­lo­gies with a pas­si­on for inno­va­ti­on. In ever­y­thing we do, we have an ongo­ing enthu­si­asm for making life and work easier.

Our cli­ents have big goals and we give our best every day, poo­ling our strengths and stan­ding by them as a high­ly moti­va­ted team of experts throug­hout the enti­re finan­cing pro­cess.

Reto Emmen­eg­ger

Inés Navia
Head Com­pe­tence Cen­ter

Ili­ja Tipura
Chief Pro­duct & Tech­no­lo­gy Offi­cer

Gian­lu­ca Oppe­di­s­a­no
Head Part­ner Manage­ment

Peter Corda­ni
Seni­or Part­ner­ma­na­ger

Jeho­na Gut­aj
Juni­or Part­ner­ma­na­ger

Ines Golic
Seni­or Advi­sor & Depu­ty Head
Com­pe­tence Cen­ter

Dar­ryl Cox
Seni­or Advi­sor Com­pe­tence Cen­ter

Alain Bus­se
Seni­or Advi­sor Com­pe­tence Cen­ter

Sari­na Rai
Advi­sor Com­pe­tence Cen­ter

Kevin Mon­te­leo­ne
Advi­sor Com­pe­tence Cen­ter

Sara Ayyoo­bi
Juni­or Advi­sor Com­pe­tence Cen­ter

Maria Gry­pich
Lead Soft­ware Engi­neer

Bar­na Kakucs
Lead Soft­ware Engi­neer

Jack Ale­jan­dro Glä­ser
Pro­duct Mana­ger

Dja­mel M’Rad
Pro­duct Desi­gner, UI/UX

Elmir Halil­ce­vic
Soft­ware Engi­neer

Ali­na Toa­der
Soft­ware Engi­neer

Maid Mehic
Soft­ware Engi­neer

Muha­rem Hasa­gic
Qua­li­ty Engi­neer

Swiss­FEX AG
Hardturmstrasse 253
8005 Zürich

Ser­vice Cen­ter
+41 44 275 27 00