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SFX is the customized mortgage comparison platform that digitizes and simplifies the entire brokerage process for all parties.

Plea­se note that our soft­ware is exclu­si­ve­ly
desi­gned for B2B and per­fect­ly adapt­ed to their needs
is coor­di­na­ted.


Mor­tga­ge Bro­kers p. a.


Clo­sing volu­me p. a.


Finan­cing part­ner


Mor­tga­ge Advi­sor

How the SwissFEX mortgage brokerage platform works

Trans­pa­rent offer com­pa­ri­son in real time – indi­vi­du­al cus­to­mer advice

Swiss­FEX AG ope­ra­tes an inde­pen­dent mor­tga­ge com­pa­ri­son plat­form for inter­me­dia­ries. We digi­ti­ze and sim­pli­fy the mor­tga­ge bro­kera­ge pro­cess and crea­te trans­pa­ren­cy. With us, inter­me­dia­ries compa­re in real time the various mor­tga­ge offers in dif­fe­rent dimen­si­ons. The SFX plat­form sup­ports con­sul­tants throug­hout the finan­cing pro­cess.

Our busi­ness model is based on the effi­ci­ent inter­ac­tion of the four play­ers pre­sen­ted below:


Swiss­FEX AG’s SFX mor­tga­ge com­pa­ri­son plat­form ser­ves as an inter­face bet­ween affi­lia­ted len­ders (banks, insu­rance com­pa­nies and pen­si­on funds) and our bro­kera­ge part­ners. Through the cre­dit models stored per len­der and our algo­rith­ms, mor­tga­ge advi­sors can easi­ly deter­mi­ne and compa­re the indi­vi­du­al inte­rest rates of all pro­vi­ders in real time.

Placement partner

Swiss­FEX works exclu­si­ve­ly with pro­fes­sio­nal mor­tga­ge bro­kers. We com­bi­ne maxi­mum trans­pa­ren­cy and com­pa­ra­bi­li­ty of offers with indi­vi­du­al cus­to­mer advice. Beco­me a Swiss­FEX bro­kera­ge part­ner and bene­fit from the advan­ta­ges of the SFX plat­form.


Cus­to­mers deci­de for them­sel­ves which inter­me­dia­ry part­ner they would like to recei­ve mor­tga­ge advice from. Our affi­lia­ted inter­me­dia­ries pro­vi­de needs-based and indi­vi­dua­li­zed advice for their cus­to­mers‘ finan­cing plans.

Financing partner

Banks, insu­rance com­pa­nies, pen­si­on funds and invest­ment foun­da­ti­ons can beco­me finan­cing part­ners via the SFX plat­form. The indi­vi­du­al finan­cing gui­de­lines and the len­ding pro­cess are mode­led in detail on the plat­form as part of the onboar­ding pro­cess. Pri­cing models can be main­tai­ned inde­pendent­ly in a secu­re area. Len­ders also have the abili­ty to inter­act digi­tal­ly with inter­me­dia­ries through the SFX plat­form.

More than just the best interest rate

The SFX platform does not simply identify the mortgage provider with the lowest interest rate. Our consultants are able to compare individual offers in all dimensions and thus realize optimal financing of the property for their clients.



from 0.56 %

5 years

Fixed-rate mortgage

from 1.59 %

10 years

Fixed-rate mortgage

from 1.66 %

15 years

Fixed-rate mortgage

from 1.80 %

20 years

Fixed-rate mortgage

from 2.01 %

25 years

Fixed-rate mortgage

from 2.09 %

Swiss­FEX enables me to offer cus­to­mi­zed solu­ti­ons even for more deman­ding finan­cing. In addi­ti­on to the tech­ni­cal fea­tures, which are fur­ther deve­lo­ped based on our input, the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on on an inter­per­so­nal level is very pro­fi­ta­ble and posi­ti­ve. I real­ly app­re­cia­te the dai­ly coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween the various play­ers at Swiss­FEX.

Fabio EggerSales Mana­ger at Swiss Life

Thanks to the SFX plat­form, I can offer my cli­ents indi­vi­du­al finan­cing offers from various len­ders in real time. This enables me to find the right insti­tu­ti­on for every finan­cing request. I was able to noti­ce­ab­ly increase the pro­ba­bi­li­ty of clo­sing a deal and thus cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion with the SFX plat­form.

Micha­el Rüeg­seg­gerMana­ging Direc­tor Biel­tor Finanz GmbH

As an inves­tor, Swiss­FEX gua­ran­tees us effi­ci­ent access to qua­li­fied mor­tga­ge bro­kers. The qua­li­ty of the cus­to­mer dos­siers we recei­ve and the pro­fes­sio­nal preli­mi­na­ry review of inqui­ries by the Swiss­FEX Ser­vice Cen­ter allow us to enter into new cus­to­mer rela­ti­onships with com­pa­ra­tively litt­le effort.

Heinz Schaf­rothHead of Finan­cing Eco­sys­tems BEKB

In our pro­tec­ted access on the SFX plat­form, we can con­fi­gu­re the finan­cing para­me­ters of the finan­cing part­ners pre­cis­e­ly and fle­xi­bly. This ensu­res that we only recei­ve finan­cing requests that meet the spe­ci­fied gui­de­lines.

Alex­an­der PaulPort­fo­lio and Pro­duct Mana­ger Avo­bis Invest AG

Who is behind SwissFEX?

Swiss­FEX AG is a public limi­t­ed com­pa­ny based in Zurich and ope­ra­tor of an inde­pen­dent bro­kera­ge plat­form for mor­tga­ges. It was estab­lished in 2019 as a whol­ly owned sub­si­dia­ry of Swiss Life Ltd.

What financing is available through the SFX platform?

Curr­ent­ly, the SFX plat­form sup­ports the fol­lo­wing mor­tga­ge finan­cing:
  • Purcha­se / mor­tga­ge redemp­ti­on of owner-occu­p­ied resi­den­ti­al pro­per­ty
  • Purcha­se / mor­tga­ge redemp­ti­on of ren­ted resi­den­ti­al pro­per­ty (buy-to-let)
  • Purcha­se / mor­tga­ge redemp­ti­on of vaca­ti­on pro­per­ties
  • Purcha­se / mor­tga­ge redemp­ti­on of invest­ment pro­per­ties
    (MFH, offices, trade, etc. ‑espe­ci­al­ly also for legal enti­ties)
  • Con­s­truc­tion finan­cing

Why are the interest rates offered so attractive?

The SFX plat­form is used by many dif­fe­rent finan­cing part­ners. For each finan­cing pro­ject, offers can be com­pared com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly and in real time. Our sales part­ners and the Swiss­FEX Ser­vice Cen­ter take over many admi­nis­tra­ti­ve acti­vi­ties for our finan­cing part­ners. This gene­ra­tes savings that our finan­cing part­ners can pass on with attrac­ti­ve terms.

Can I also use the SFX platform as an end customer?

The SFX bro­kera­ge plat­form is available exclu­si­ve­ly to pro­fes­sio­nal mor­tga­ge bro­kers. Becau­se we are con­vin­ced that com­pre­hen­si­ve advice and sup­port during the finan­cing pro­cess is indis­pensable. Swiss­FEX acts exclu­si­ve­ly as a plat­form ope­ra­tor and does not have its own sales force. Our renow­ned sales part­ners have a den­se net­work of bran­ches throug­hout Switz­er­land.

How does SwissFEX ensure independent advice?

Swiss­FEX recei­ves lar­ge­ly stan­dar­di­zed com­mis­si­on rates from all affi­lia­ted len­ders (banks, insu­rance com­pa­nies and pen­si­on funds). This coun­ter­acts a con­flict of inte­rest in the con­sul­ta­ti­on. Mor­tga­ge offers on the SFX plat­form are pre­sen­ted in a neu­tral way in terms of quan­ti­ty (e.g. inte­rest rates) and qua­li­ty (e.g. legal clau­ses in the mas­ter agree­ment). This enables our bro­kera­ge part­ners to pro­vi­de inde­pen­dent and trans­pa­rent cus­to­mer advice.

How is SwissFEX financed?

When a mor­tga­ge is suc­cessful­ly con­cluded, Swiss­Fex recei­ves a bro­kera­ge com­mis­si­on from the lin­ked finan­cing part­ners (banks, insu­rance com­pa­nies and pen­si­on funds). Part of this bro­kera­ge com­mis­si­on flows to our bro­kera­ge part­ners as clo­sing com­mis­si­on.

How secure is my data?

Your data is encrypt­ed using sta­te-of-the-art pro­ce­du­res and stored exclu­si­ve­ly in Switz­er­land.

Swiss­FEX AG
Hardturmstrasse 253
8005 Zürich

Ser­vice Cen­ter
+41 44 275 27 00